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5 Expert Tips for Managing Rosacea

Rosacea isn’t a life-threatening condition, but it can negatively impact your self-esteem and confidence. But what is rosacea? What causes it? At Elite Dermatology, we often see patients with rosacea. They come in with flare-ups on their face, neck, and chest. It’s a frustrating condition that affects an estimated 16 million Americans. If you know that you’re suffering from rosacea or if you think you might be, we can help.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a common, sometimes painful skin condition that includes swelling, a red rash, and, in some situations, pustules. Rosacea mostly affects adults, although it shows up in some teenagers, too.

It’s important to note that rosacea and simple redness aren’t the same. Rosacea is quite complex, and all cases are unique. The severity and symptoms substantially vary from one patient to another. Your doctor at Elite Dermatology understands how important it is that you’re diagnosed correctly.

What causes rosacea?

Rosacea isn’t completely understood, but it’s believed there’s a genetic component. One idea is that proteins that normally would be released into the skin to fight infection are susceptible to abnormal triggers, and the excess proteins lead to the pain, swelling, inflammation, and redness associated with rosacea.

Triggers vary from one patient to another, but common triggers are:

Fortunately, you have a variety of options to help you deal with your rosacea.

Managing your rosacea

There’s no cure for rosacea, but here are some expert tips on how you and the team at Elite Dermatology can manage your condition:

Identify your triggers

As already noted, rosacea can be triggered by a number of things and it’s different for everyone.  If you’re trying a new skin care product, for instance, we advise that you apply it only on a small patch skin for a few weeks. This helps you ensure it doesn't cause stinging, redness, or burning. If a product irritates your skin, avoid using it.

Use sunscreen  

Sunlight triggers rosacea. While using sunscreen daily helps, you need to choose your sunscreen wisely. We recommend using sunscreen with a physical blocker, like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, rather than a sunscreen with a chemical blocker. Chemical blockers work well, but they can irritate the skin.

Use the right skin care products

The appropriate skin care products can have a soothing effect on your skin. Look for calming and gentle cleansers rather than astringents and harsh cleansers. Avoid skin care products with salicylic acid or retinoids; they might worsen your symptoms and aggravate your already sensitive skin.

Gently cleanse your skin twice a day

Many patients suffering from rosacea often avoid washing their rosacea-prone skin properly, which is certainly understandable.  Your skin is irritated already! But, gently cleansing those areas when you wake up and before you go to bed helps get rid of dirt and oil that irritate the skin.

Seek treatment

At Elite Dermatology, we have options for patients who want or need additional help managing their rosacea. These include oral medications, topical ointments, laser and light treatments, and  dermabrasion.

Dermabrasion is a procedure that uses a tool to smooth the dry skin on the areas affected by rosacea. It works a little like a sander for your skin.

Before recommending any treatment, of course, we go over your medical history and find a plan of action specifically for you.

At Elite Dermatology, we’ve got you covered! Our experienced dermatologists provide comprehensive skin care for patients of all ages. To learn more about how we can help you manage your rosacea or any other skin care issue, call us or book an appointment online today.

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